
Goodnight Jeffrey is now LIVE ONLINE!

To kick the new year off, I'm excited to share my web pilot Goodnight Jeffrey with you:

This little video has gone on quite the journey -- going to festivals, receiving nominations, opening doors and friendships. I couldn't have done it without the pilot's amazing DP Michael Fernandez, the re-recording mixer Adam Carl, or the grip Randy Taylor; the encouragement from DePaul University's Jessica King, Brad Riddell, and Kristyn Benedyk; the talents of Mo Allen, Ashley Thornton, Steve Sullivan, and Lauren Hooberman; and finally the love and support from friends and family.

If you have a moment, please give it a view. It's only 4 minutes long. And if you like it and have another moment, a share there and a post here would be most appreciated.

Thanks for your interest and I wish you all wild success and happiness in 2017.

Much love,
